Cigar by CF - Cigar E liquid Concentrate (11ml)

Concentrated Flavors Concentrated Flavors

New product

A rich and complex cigar flavor Expand

  • A cigar e juice flavor bringing a very nuanced, complex taste, with a touch of discrete chocolate to lessen its dryness. Use an electronic cigar and a real tobacco e juice!
  • Use: 2-3%
  • Steeping: Give it a 3-4 weeks steep

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  • Worldwide Shipping from 3,50€
  • Same Day Shipping (except Wednesday)

  • A rich and complex cigar e-liquid

    An excellent cigar base, oops, a "blend of dried rolled leaves" that are smoked, pure and complex, blending perfectly with fruits and delighting enthusiasts.

    Arom-Team's Review: A very authentic, pure, and powerful cigar flavor, perhaps with a subtle hint of chocolate on exhale to soften its dryness, but really very discreet.

    A sufficient steeping time is necessary for this flavor to fully reveal itself and become an excellent Cuban cigar e-liquid.

    This Cigar flavor contains tobacco absolute but no nicotine!!

    How to use this Cigar flavor?

    • Recommended Percentage: 2.5%
    • 12 drops = 5% for 10ml

    * At 2.5% concentration, you can make 220ml of cigar e-liquid with a single bottle.

    What steeping time for cigar flavor e-liquid?

    • Tobacco flavors require a fairly long steeping time. Allow this product to steep for a minimum of 3 weeks to a month.

    What is a Super Concentrated tobacco flavor?

    The uniqueness of this range lies in the high concentration of flavors.

    This provides you with a superior product that allows you to create a satisfying cigar e-liquid.

    DIY Cigar Flavor Recipe

    Blueberry 7%
    Cigar 2.5%
    Tobacco Blend 1.5%
    Seven Stars 1.5%

    Concentrated Flavors Cigar

    • Manufactured in China
    • Composition: Natural (tobacco extract/absolute) & artificial flavors - alcohol
    • Concentrated Flavors are highly concentrated flavors, guaranteed free from diacetyl, acetyl propionyl, and acetoin
    • 11ml dropper bottle packaged by AromTeam

    Arom Team Reviews (6)

    Rated 4.50 on the scale 1 - 5 based on 6 customer reviews
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    Great aroma, nothing else to say

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    One of the best cigar

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    très bon

    Le temps conseillé de maturation n'est pas tout à fait atteint mais les arômes développés sont déjà très prometteurs.

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    Heavy flavor

    Very heavy flavor with chocolate and some liqour.Mixed ad 2% and it needs steeping for at least 6 weeks to loose those alchohol taste.Not for me.There are much better CF flavors.

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    très bien

    très bien

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