Arom'Team, For Whom, For What?

In 2011, I was desperately searching for a way to quit smoking.

Of course, I had already tried all the conventional options, from patches to Chantix, but without success.

An advertisement in my emails caught my attention.
It extolled the virtues of the electronic cigarette in tobacco cessation.

Without putting too much belief in it, I clicked and discovered this curious, still quite confidential device.

I didn't immediately jump on what they called a solution in that message. But my curiosity was piqued.

From site to site, I researched the subject.

The forum-ecigarette (french ecig forum) was an endless source of testimonies, all more laudatory than the others, ultimately convincing me.

So, a few days later, I received my first e-cigarette, a modest 510 model with limited performance, but it invited me to try the experience of quitting smoking.

I was certain that this small vapor-producing device would free me from an affliction that was seriously affecting my health.

Armed with a firm determination to put an end to it and equipped with my little 510, I embarked on the adventure of the electronic cigarette.

It started in 2011 and continues to this day, with the e-cigarette now being the bulwark against tobacco in my life.

Through my experience, I learned to master a language from another planet.
Ohms didn't matter in my life until then. Neither did coils or mods!!
And then, DIY…

DIY turned out to be a remarkable discovery.

Being able to finally make liquids to my taste was ideal.
It wasn't just about saving money, but mainly about unleashing creativity, playing with flavors to enjoy and diverting the mind from temptations!

DIY is a culture in the end.

You start hesitantly, thinking you'll never succeed, and end up creating unique recipes a few weeks later that you enjoy sharing with your fellow smoke quitters.

And naturally, this sharing, as well as my involvement in advocating for vaping alongside the forum-ecigarette and then the Aiduce, the french Association for the Defense of Electronic Cigarette Users, which I joined upon its creation in 2013, encouraged me to invest even more by proposing a website for flavors that were difficult to find in France at that time.

Thus, Arom'Team was born in May 2013.

In my eyes, it's not just a simple business for food flavors.

It goes far beyond just a service, an extension of my commitment to promoting and defending an electronic device that deserves its place in the arsenal of means to fight addiction.

But there, unfortunately, I don't have the right to write any more...

Arom'Team is a small company that aims to be close to vapers, trying to accompany them on their own journey.

More than just a site for flavors, it is the continuation of the sharing I initiated from the start in 2011 with a community.

It's just as important to me as my commitment, and I dare to hope that by trusting us, you will also feel our determination to continue the fight for a device that is now under attack.

Thank you for your trust.

Arom-Team Management     aka Amanda

arom team manager


     You can also join Arom-Team Facebook page

     You'll also find me on Twitter and Youtube, and I must admit I love the Arom-Team Pinterest page that allows the sharing of many DIY e-liquid recipes and various vaping information.

    Looking forward to seeing you there.

arom-team bottles

Our Company, Arom'Team:

Our aim is to provide our customers with a very comprehensive range of high-quality food flavors from various renowned manufacturers.
Of course, these flavors are primarily of food quality and can be used in desserts, yogurts, etc.

Feel free to browse through our online shop. There's a good chance you'll find what you're looking for.

Thank you for your trust.
The Arom'Team team

Our Contact Details

Arom Team
13 rue de la Courondelle
34500 Béziers
(this is not a physical store)

Siret Number: 44911438800027
APE Code: 4791B
CNIL Registration: 1685580


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