If you're looking for the great taste of a banana cream to make subtle banana cake vape juice recipes,...
If you are looking for an authentic chocolate milk taste, this LorAnn flavor is for you! A gourmet and...
Looking for a complex caramel ?This sweet and nuanced caramel cream evolves from caramel candy to a honeyed...
This Cinnamon Roll LorAnn flavor is more an additive that sublimates a DIY recipe bringing its sweetness...
Acid citric is useful for giving a tonus to fruit flavors, a few drops can bring a touch of acidity. But be...
This natural banana flavor has no equal. It delivers a pure taste of banana, without being too sweet. By...
Red plum, a summer taste to discover in gourmet or fruit recipes, to pair with tobacco flavors for a unique...
A sweet natural raspberry flavor, LorAnn specialty, a little red fruit that perfumes fruit or gourmet...
Red Licorice, Red Vines, is a specialty that has the appearance of black licorice but consisted of...
A real fruit salad in this tutti frutti flavor! Use: 10% Steeping: You can enjoy it immediately Pairs...
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